Unacceptable Behavior Page 8
“Rafe!” she cried passionately as she came apart under his hands and mouth. Then he slid up her body, keeping his thumb firmly seated in her ass, surrounding her with his heat as he drove his throbbing cock back inside her pulsing channel to the hilt with one hard thrust.
Max felt impossibly full with his thick cock slamming into her and his thumb filling her ass. She was stretched to the limit, and the pleasure was so intense she was afraid she wouldn’t survive the next orgasm.
Rafe pounded her hard, every slam of his hips making contact against her punished bottom and reawakening the sting, but she reveled in every pain as it intertwined with the pleasure.
When his fingers pressed her swollen clit down so his cock abraded it and shoved it back against his fingers with every hard thrust, she came screaming his name yet again in an orgasm that seemed to go on and on.
By the time he shouted her name into the back of her neck, she was moaning in helpless pleasure, her body shuddering and shivering beneath him. With one final thrust he ground tight against her, sending her into another spasm of delight as she felt the heat of his seed fill her and splash against her inner walls.
He had taken her hard, and she winced when he pulled free from her.
Max would have gotten up but Rafe pressed her back into the bed. “Stay where you are.”
With a weary sigh of contentment she did as she was told. Then he was back, gently cleaning her with a warm cloth before stripping her dress over her head, making her embarrassingly aware that they had moved from spanking to sex without removing their clothes. Her bra joined the dress on the floor, and then he quickly stripped before lifting her in his arms to lay her down in the center of the bed, climbing in after her, and wrapping her in his arms.
Max wrapped her arms around his where they held her and pushed her tender bottom into his stomach and her back tight against his chest; tangling the fingers of one hand with his, she pulled both their hands up to her face so she could kiss his. “I’m so glad you’re home and holding me in your arms again.”
“This is where you belong, Maxine… where you will always belong,” he told her. “Go to sleep, baby. We’ll talk more in the morning.”
“Yes, sir,” Max said with a yawn as her eyes began to drift closed.
Chapter Ten
Max woke to the feel of Rafe spreading her wide and sinking into her slowly until his scrotum was flush against her.
She groaned and arched her back in an effort to encourage him to move, but he stayed still.
“Look at me, Maxine,” his dark voice commanded. Max looked up and found herself caught in the intensity of his gaze.
As soon as their eyes met he began to move; he took her with slow hard thrusts, never taking his eyes from hers.
Soon she was doing her best to speed him up as he continued the maddeningly slow pace, pulling out almost completely inch by inch and then coming back inside just as slowly until he pressed against her again. Each time he was all the way inside her he rotated his hips, grinding against her until she was about to come, but then he started his slow withdrawal again, removing the delicious pressure before she could go over the edge.
Max began to whimper, closing her eyes and turning her head away in frustration, only to have him cup her face firmly in his hands with his elbows planted on either side of her head. “Look at me.”
Her eyes sprang back open to meet his eyes once more; her reward for obedience was four fast hard thrusts before he began the relentlessly slow rhythm again.
“Don’t look away from me,” Rafe said firmly.
“Please… Rafe… I need…” Max begged softly, desperate for the release she knew he could give her.
“Soon, baby… soon… who do you belong to, Maxine?” he asked her as he increased his rhythm ever so slightly.
“You! I belong to you!” she cried, gasping out the words as his pace continued to increase.
“Yes… you belong to me! Who do I belong to?” Rafe asked, grinding his pelvic bone against her clit as he voiced the question.
“Me! You belong to me!” Max cried out as he began to pound in and out of her hard and fast, still never breaking eye contact. Max felt as if he were seeing into her very soul.
“That’s right, baby. You belong to me… I belong to you… we belong to each other forever. Don’t ever forget that again!” he said sternly, suddenly thrusting into her hard enough to push her up the bed as he hammered in and out.
Max screamed as her orgasm washed over her. She couldn’t do anything but cling to his shoulders and wrap her legs around his waist as he continued the pounding rhythm. Then he pressed his forehead against hers and pressed in as deep as he could go and began to grind against her in a circular motion.
Everything inside her began to shake and tighten as he continued to press hard and rub against something deep inside her. “Rafe!”
“That’s it, baby… come for me again… Now!” he growled, and her back arched and every muscle in her body seemed to clamp down as she exploded around him in the most intense orgasm she’d ever experienced. It seemed to go on and on until she fell back on the bed in a boneless heap and Rafe shuddered his own release above her.
As she came back down to earth, wrapped safe in Rafe’s arms, Max began to cry, partly from the intensity of what they’d just shared but also because of what she’d come perilously close to throwing away.
A big hand came up to cup the back of her head as Rafe rolled to his back; bringing her with him, he pressed her face to his chest. “Shhh… everything’s okay, I’ve got you, baby girl.”
“I’m so… sorry, Rafe… so sorry…” she sobbed into his chest.
“Honey, we dealt with this last night. Everything’s forgiven. You’re okay, I’m okay, and most important, we’re okay. I’ve got you, honey, and I promise I’ll never let you go again,” he said firmly as he lifted her chin and kissed away her tears.
“I love you, Rafe,” Max said earnestly as she looked down into his eyes.
He grinned and lightly smacked her still tender backside. “And don’t you forget it!”
“Yes, sir,” she said with a saucy grin as he rolled her back beneath him.
Chapter Eleven
Max smiled as she stood at the copier; almost everything in her world was back to normal and pretty close to perfect.
A sharp pain hit her in the side that made her catch her breath with a frown. The pains that were becoming more and more frequent were the only fly in her ointment. She knew she needed to go to the doctor but wasn’t looking forward to hearing what he had to say.
She’d been a few months ago when the pains first started and he’d told her she was working on an ulcer in her stomach. He’d gone on to tell her she needed to stop drinking immediately and start eating a healthy but bland diet. Advice she’d ignored and now she was paying the price.
“Why are you holding your side? Did you have another pain?” She jumped at the sound of Rafe’s voice behind her.
“It’s nothing, honey,” she said with a smile. “I’m fine.”
He frowned. “I think we need to get you checked out by the doctor; you’re grabbing your side with those pains far too often.”
“It’s nothing, I’m sure,” she argued.
“Maxine, you big fibber!” Renee, her friend and drinking buddy was suddenly standing next to them.
“Renee, really… there’s no need to involve yourself in this discussion…”
A firm hand clamped down on her arm in warning as Rafe pulled her into his side. “What is she fibbing about, Renee?”
Renee blushed under Rafe’s intense scrutiny, but then turned to frown at Maxine. “I’m sorry, Max, but the doctor told you two months ago to start eating right and stop drinking because you were developing an ulcer. You haven’t done anything he suggested despite my asking you to stop drinking vodka like water.”
Max looked at the floor nervously as she felt Rafe’s intense regard shift back to her. “This really isn’t anyone’s business, Renee,” she said sharply.
“This is the business of anyone who cares about you. Apologize to your friend and thank her for her concern.”
“I won’t! She had no business blurting my business out and broadcasting it to the office at large!” Max yelled with a stamp of her foot.
“I apologize for my fiancée’s rudeness and am very thankful to you for bringing this to my attention, Renee. I promise Maxine will be thanking you and giving her apologies once she’s had time to think about it,” Rafe said with an assurance that made Max’s bottom tingle in alarm as he turned and began to escort her toward the front of the office.
Rafe stuck his head in Tom’s office. “Maxine and I will be out for the rest of the day. She needs to see her doctor and then we still have a few things to settle between us.”
“No problem, Rafe. I’m glad you’re back. See you both tomorrow,” Tom said with a smile.
Rafe said nothing as he escorted her to his truck and helped her inside. Max began to chew nervously on her lower lip. He was being way too quiet.
“It’s not like I’m not capable of handling my own business,” she muttered under her breath.
“Apparently you haven’t been handling this at all… you’ve just been ignoring it. Am I right, young lady?” he asked succinctly.
Max swallowed. “I was depressed and I missed you so bad and…”
“This is a yes or no question, Maxine. Did you or did you not ignore the doctor’s advice?”
She sighed in defeat. “Yes, sir.”
“We will be discussing this at length later but now, what’s the address of your doctor’s office?” Rafe asked her in a tone that brooked no argument.
Knowing she had no real choice, Max gave him the address; it was embarrassing to have her boyfriend taking her to the doctor like a naughty child. Boyfriend… at the office Rafe had called her his fiancée…
“Rafe, you called me your fiancée…”
“I did,” he said matter-of-factly.
“Well… um, don’t you have to ask me a question before you can call me that?” she asked with the beginnings of her the first smile she’d had since those pains hit at the copier.
“I don’t have any intention of asking you anything, young lady. I love you… you love me… we’re getting married… end of story. But I wouldn’t worry about it right now if I were you. You have enough to worry about between the doctor and me.”
Max frowned; this was going to be a long day.
* * *
Max chewed her lower lip as the doctor pressed firmly down on her abdomen, frowning every time she winced. The situation wasn’t helped by the fact that Rafe had followed them into the exam room and stood glowering down at her from his position next to the exam table.
“You’ve definitely gotten worse. Did you take any of the medications I prescribed?” the doctor asked with a scowl.
Max opened her mouth but Rafe interrupted to ask her, “Did you even have them filled?”
She looked down and shook her head no, suddenly a little ashamed of herself.
The doctor made a tsking sound. “Why are you here if you have no intention of following my directions?”
“She will follow all your instructions to the letter from this point on, doctor. I promise you that,” Rafe said with a stern look at Max.
“She will need to eat three healthy meals a day and her diet will need to be fairly bland until her stomach and intestines recover from the abuse she’s given them,” the doctor said.
“Not a problem, doctor. If she fails to do so, she will stand to eat,” Rafe said succinctly.
Max gasped and felt her face turn bright red.
The doctor turned to study Rafe thoughtfully. “You will ensure she takes care of herself from now on?”
“I will. Miss Maxine will toe a very narrow line with regards to her health from this point forward,” Rafe assured the doctor.
“Rafe, I can handle this without…” Max tried to interject.
“If you’d been handling it, none of this would be occurring,” Rafe said firmly before turning his attention back to the doctor.
“I will give you prescriptions for Nexium and Carafate. The Carafate will be temporary. It will help to coat the lining of her stomach while it heals. The Nexium will reduce her acid levels and also help with healing and protecting her stomach from future damage,” the doctor explained. Max glared up at both of them from her position on the table. They were discussing her as if she weren’t even in the room.
“I would like to administer a medicinal enema before you leave. It’s a mixture I’ve developed that will help to soothe the lining of her intestines to get a jumpstart on the healing process while cleansing the rest of the toxins from her alcohol consumption from her system.”
Max sat straight up on the table. “I don’t think so! Not happening!”
A large hand pressed her back down on the table as Rafe leaned over her. “You will do whatever the good doctor deems necessary, young lady. You can either cooperate now or you can cooperate in a few minutes with a bright red bottom for the doctor to look at while he gives you the enema. Your choice.”
Max closed her eyes against the implacability in Rafe’s face. She felt tears gathering as she realized she was going to have to submit to an enema. The situation was embarrassing enough without adding a spanking in front of the doctor; it was bad enough he’d made it very clear he spanked her regularly.
The doctor cleared his throat. “I cannot of course force you to have the enema, Maxine, but I do feel it would be in your best interest.”
Max sighed and gave in to the inevitable. “I’ll take the enema.”
“Please strip from the waist down and put this sheet over your lap. I’ll go prepare my supplies and return with a nurse,” he instructed before leaving the room.
“This is the most mortifying situation I’ve ever been in,” Max complained as she pulled off her skirt and underwear before climbing back up on the table with the flimsy plastic sheet over her lap and tucked around her hips.
“A situation of your own making, young lady,” Rafe pointed out with a growl.
Max decided to study the floor rather than looking at Rafe; maybe if she didn’t make eye contact for the rest of the visit, she could pretend none of this was happening.
The doctor was back before too much time passed along with a sour-faced nurse who was carrying a huge bag of fluid and a bunch of rolled-up tubing. The end of the tube protruding from her gloved hand had a large broad nozzle attached to it, and Max realized that was the part that was going up her butt. She groaned at the sight of it.
“Now, young lady, if you’ll roll over onto your side…” the doctor began.
“I have a better idea,” Rafe interrupted. Max squeaked when he suddenly picked her up and laid her face down on the table with her legs hanging off the end at a ninety-degree angle.
“Rafe!” she cried out in protest, only to gasp when a sharp swat landed on her left bottom cheek.
“I think this is the best way to ensure this never needs to be repeated. A little embarrassment will do her good,” Rafe said firmly and then to her horror he cupped a bottom cheek and spread her wide for the good doctor.
“Hmmmm… well… perhaps you’re right,” the doctor said and Max winced when she heard the snap of his gloves on his wrist. Then she felt the firm pressure of the slippery nozzle pressing against her shy little hole.
“Relax your bottom, Maxine,” Rafe said sternly.
She whimpered but found herself responding to his instructions and relaxed as the nozzle slid deep inside her ass.
“Very good,” the doctor said and then she heard the sound as he released the valve on the enema bag and warm fluid began to flood into her bowels.
Max groaned as the warm liquid filled her insides. It was strangely soothing and uncomfortable at the same time, and it seemed to go on and on until she thought she’d explode if they tried to get any more of it into her. Then the doctor murmured something that sounded suspiciously like ‘good girl’ under his breath and removed the nozzle.
“I need to go to the bathroom,” Max said as a spasm hit her bowels.
“I’m afraid you need to hold the medicine for at least ten minutes before evacuating,” the doctor said.
“I can’t!” Max wailed.
“Yes, you can, Maxine, I’ll help you.” Rafe told her, soothingly placing his big hand over her bottom and cupping it possessively.
“Yes, well, we’ll step out into the hall. As soon as the ten minutes are up you can help her into the attached bathroom, clean up, and meet me in my office to get the prescriptions.”
Max breathed a sigh of relief when the door closed behind the doctor and his nurse. One thing was for certain—she was never coming back to this doctor’s office again. Not only had Rafe threatened her with a spanking, he’d held her bottom open for an enema; she never wanted to make eye contact with the doctor or his nurse again.
Her stomach continued to cramp, but Rafe’s hand stayed on her ass, oddly reassuring her while he began rubbing her back soothingly with his other hand. They didn’t talk, and Max was thankful for that. She wished she thought Rafe would see this entire office visit as punishment enough, but she knew better.
Finally her ten minutes was up and Rafe removed his finger and helped her to the bathroom where he washed his hands while she took care of business. He didn’t say one word while she cleaned up and dressed, which made Max’s nervousness grow by leaps and bounds.
In no time at all they had her prescriptions in hand and they were alone in his truck. Max looked at his unhappy profile and suppressed a shudder. She was in big trouble.
“Please don’t be mad at me,” she said nervously from the seat next to him.
“Don’t be mad at you? Maxine, you’ve been neglecting your health for months,” he said incredulously. “Something that stops as of now.”
“I don’t think I was neglecting my health really…”