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Unacceptable Behavior Page 9

  “You didn’t even get the medicine filled to help heal your stomach!” Rafe said with no little exasperation.

  She sniffled a little and ducked her head. “I’m sorry, Rafe. It just didn’t seem important.”

  “You’re going to be sorry, young lady. Once we’ve gotten your medicine and I get you home, you’re going to be one very sorry young lady indeed.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said softly.

  Max sat quietly in her seat as they pulled up to the pharmacy drive-through; thankfully the line was empty and her meds were ready so it was a quick stop. She started to get out of the car when they stopped at the grocery store, but Rafe waved her back to her seat.

  “You stay here and think about why you’re in so much trouble. I just need to grab something from produce,” he said firmly.

  She wasn’t sure why but somehow the way he said produce seemed foreboding. He was back in a few minutes with a relatively small bag she found herself eyeing nervously.

  As they walked into the apartment, Rafe turned to her and said, “You go take a shower while I make dinner. Put on a loose gown and no panties then come to the table.”

  Rafe’s quiet anger was far more unsettling than it would have been if he was yelling at her. Max found herself hurrying though her shower and quickly drying off before putting on a loose gown.

  Max was extremely conscious of her bare bottom beneath the gown as she walked to the kitchen to join Rafe. He was setting a bowl of macaroni and cheese with ham in front of her place as she came into the room, but it was the glass of water with a big round root sitting in it that drew her attention. It looked kind of like a potato carved into an almost phallic shape, though not as wide as an actual penis.

  “What is that?” she asked nervously, as she pondered where he planned to put the big white root.

  “I’m glad you asked,” he said almost conversationally. “It’s ginger root. Among its many purposes, ginger root is also very good at delivering a much-needed lesson to naughty bottoms.”

  Her eyes shot wide in alarm. “Bottoms?”

  “Yes, ma’am, you heard me correctly. Now lift your gown and bend over the edge of the table,” Rafe instructed firmly.

  “But… Rafe, I…” she stammered nervously.

  “Now.” The quietly voiced command had her scrambling into place.

  “I’m sorry… I’ll…”

  “Right now all I want you to do is mind me. Reach back and hold your bottom cheeks apart for me,” he said in a tone that warned argument would not be viewed favorably.

  With a little whimper, Max reached back and pulled her bottom cheeks apart, trying not to think about the view she was providing.

  “Good girl,” Rafe said, putting a warm palm on the small of her back as he pressed the head of the root against her tightly clenched bottom hole. “Relax and bear down to make it easier, baby. Don’t fight against it,” he advised.

  “Ohhh…” Max panted, bearing down and gasping as the tip of the root began to slip inside the tight ring of her anus. The stretch and burn of its intrusion was immediate.

  Rafe continued applying steady pressure as the head of the root sank inside, then he backed it out slowly and worked it back in over and over again, getting more inside her with each inward stroke.

  “Please… no more, Rafe… I’ll be good, I promise,” she wailed as the juices of the ginger began to sink into the flesh of her anus, adding to the burn exponentially.

  “You will definitely be a good girl, I plan to make sure of it,” he said firmly as he finally sank the root past the broader base to the groove he’d carved to hold it in place, leaving a broader part about an inch long protruding from between her bottom cheeks. Once it was in place to his satisfaction, he patted her bottom lightly. “Now sit down and eat your dinner.”

  Max stood up and flinched as her bottom tightened down on the intruder and released more of its fiery essence into her ass. “Oohh… Rafe, it burns! I can’t sit down!”

  “You will sit down in that chair and eat your dinner, young lady. Right now,” he said with not an ounce of softness in his gaze.

  Max sat down carefully in her chair and groaned as the action pressed the root deeper inside. The burn seemed to grow with every minute, making her shift continuously in her seat.

  Her appetite completely gone, Max was only able to eat about half of her bowl of macaroni and cheese before she pushed it away miserably. “I can’t eat anymore.”

  Rafe studied her features and then gave a nod as he simply handed her two pills. “Swallow your medicine then go to the bedroom. I expect to find you standing with your nose in the corner totally naked.”

  “Naked?” she asked, alarmed. Though he’d seen her naked body on several occasions, the thought of waiting naked in a corner with a plug of ginger sticking out of her ass was too mortifying to contemplate.

  “Little girl, you’ve got one hell of a hiding coming. If you want I can spank you now until you agree to do as I’ve asked, but it won’t change what you’ve already got coming. It’s up to you.”

  Max pulled her gown over her head and dropped it in front of him on the kitchen floor and then walked proudly to the bedroom. Well, as proudly as she could hobbling with a stick up her ass. She didn’t wait around to see what he thought of her small show of attitude.

  She put her nose in the corner with a sniff, trying to ignore the awful burn in her asshole and the embarrassing wetness increasing in other areas.

  * * *

  Rafe almost laughed when she stripped in the kitchen and sailed out with the bearing of a haughty queen. The little wink of ginger between her ass cheeks detracted only slightly from the image.

  His girl had definite spirit and he wouldn’t want her any other way. It was too bad she had such a harsh lesson to learn but her lack of care of herself had to be addressed. She could have caused herself serious harm if she’d continued down her current path and possibly even killed herself.

  This was one lesson he planned to deliver in no uncertain terms to ensure it never had to be repeated.

  He walked into the bedroom to find her as instructed with her nose pressed to the corner; as he watched her, she shifted from one foot to another, probably partly due to nerves and partly due to the ginger stinging her tender little hole. He was about to increase the burn in a memorable way.

  Rafe sat down on the corner of the bed. “Come here.”

  Maxine’s shoulders slumped with dejection as she turned slowly to face him and walked toward him with halting steps. “I’m sorry.”

  “You soon will be,” he said firmly, holding out a hand to her.

  She took his hand as if grateful for the assistance in those last few steps.

  “Why are we here, Maxine?”

  She took a deep breath. “I haven’t been taking care of myself.”

  “And?” he asked with a quirked brow.

  “I didn’t follow doctor’s orders and get my prescriptions filled. I know I should have, Rafe. I’m really sorry,” she said softly.

  “Sometimes sorry isn’t enough, baby. I take the health and well-being of the woman I love very seriously. I’m about to show you just how seriously,” he said as he pulled her down over his left leg and clamped his right one down over her bare thighs, leaving her to dangle helplessly with her hands braced on the floor.

  He ran his hand lightly over the soft smooth flesh of her upturned bottom. “I’m going to give you a long hard spanking with my hand and then you will bring me the Lexan paddle and ask me to finish your spanking.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said with a slight whimper.

  “Now ask for your spanking,” he instructed.

  “Please, will you spank me?” she asked.

  “Spank you how?”

  “Please, will you spank me on my bare bottom?” Maxine shuddered again over his thigh as the words left her.

  Rafe lifted his right hand high and then brought it down hard on her left cheek, making her jerk with a gasp. Pulling
her in tight, he began to slap down hard, alternating cheeks as he watched the color bloom brightly in her backside.

  He began bringing his hand down harder and faster until she couldn’t contain her soft cries. When her ass was a satisfying shade of red, he tilted her forward a little and began to spank her sit spots. He brought his hand down over and over in the exact same spot on her left side until she was almost sobbing.

  “Please… not in the same place… I’ll be good… I promise!” she cried desperately, sighing in relief when he moved to the right side. Her relief was short-lived when the right side got the exact same treatment.

  “Rafe, please!” she yelled just as his stilled his hand and let it rest on the hot skin of her well-spanked behind.

  He let her hang there over his knee for a few minutes until her breathing slowed and he knew she was calm, and lifted her to stand in front of him again. Rafe caught her hands when they immediately moved to rub her stinging bottom. “No rubbing.”

  Big tears dripped down her cheeks as she stood before him with her little chin quivering. “Please forgive me.”

  Rafe smiled sadly and used his thumb to wipe away a tear. “You were forgiven already, baby, but that doesn’t change your punishment. What do you need to do now?”

  Maxine drew herself up with resolve and moved to the dresser to get the Lexan paddle, stiffening her shoulders as she brought it to him. “Please, sir, will you paddle my bottom to finish my punishment?”

  “The paddling will finish your spanking but the punishment won’t be quite over, little girl,” he said sternly.

  Her mouth opened in a sweet little ‘o’ of surprise. “Wh-what?”

  “What did I tell you would happen the next time I had to use the Lexan paddle on your naughty bottom? What did I say happens to naughty girls who need a paddling?” Rafe asked.

  A red almost as bright as her bottom spread slowly up her neck and into her cheeks. “You said… you said the next time you used the paddle you would… I would…”


  “You said I would take your cock up my ass.” She rushed through the words as if saying them fast would make it better somehow.

  “That’s right, naughty young ladies get their little bottoms punished inside and out, and your tight little spanked ass is going to feel so good around my cock.” He said the words to add to her embarrassment and it worked as evidenced by the red staining her face and neck. “Bend over and grab your ankles.”

  * * *

  Max bent over and grabbed her ankles; she was reeling from embarrassment but also found herself aching with need. His words, his dominance had moisture leaking like a fountain from between her legs. She knew he could see everything with her bent over like this, the plug wagging at him like a lewd little tail and the wetness on her lips dripping to her thighs… he could see it all. She was mortified and more turned on than ever before.

  “You’re getting ten swats to each sit spot,” Rafe’s deep voice spoke from behind her, the position she was in and the plug in her bottom made it impossible to clench her bottom.

  He didn’t make her wait; the first searing swat landed almost immediately on her left sit spot, followed quickly by the next in the same spot. She wailed as she realized he was going to deliver each and every swat to the exact same place before he moved on to the other side.

  Max knew he wasn’t paddling as hard as he could but each and every stroke of the thin paddle made it feel like he was branding her with a hot iron. As she wagged her bottom from side to side in response, the stinging inside her bottom from the well-placed ginger seemed to grow in direct proportion to the heat in her seat.

  By the time he moved to the right side, she was openly sobbing. Mercifully he didn’t seem inclined to draw the paddling out and he finished the remaining ten swats quickly, each swat landing hard and fast in the exact same place on her right sit spot. When it was over, she held her position, needing a minute as the heat in her ass seemed to continue to grow.

  Then two fingers plunged into her wet sheath without warning and her knees nearly buckled at the intense pleasure meshing with her pain. “Ooooh!!”

  She eagerly moved her legs apart in an effort to get him to delve deeper. Rafe obliged her by adding a third finger and thrusting them in and out of her hard and fast until she was about to go over the edge into bliss. But before she could completely go over, he stopped and removed the fingers.

  “I’m not sure my naughty girl deserves to come,” he said musingly as she rose and tuned to face him just in time to see him cleaning her essence from his fingers with his tongue.

  Her knees almost buckled as he licked his fingers clean with obvious enjoyment. Her muscles clamped down on emptiness, increasing the ache in her core. She needed him so badly.

  “Bend over the end of the bed again and hold yourself open for me,” he instructed.

  Max bent over the bed, shivering with a mix of anticipation and fear as she reached back, caught a sore bottom cheek in each hand, and spread herself wide. She felt the press of his legs against her as he caught the end of the root plug and worked it slowly in and out of her a few times before pulling it free.

  The sound of it hitting the trashcan next to the bed as he tossed it in distracted her for a moment before she heard the tearing of a foil packet. He was really going to do it… he was going to take her ass! Max buried her face in the bed and waited.

  Then came the insistent press of the head of his cock against her tender orifice. Max whimpered as her tight little hole stretched around him, burning, but Rafe forged forward with gentle determination. He eased in a few inches and then back out, claiming more of her ass with each thrust until he was seated fully inside her and she felt the press of his balls against her.

  The heat and burn from the ginger was different from the burn of the cock stretching her most private place wide open; as he held still to let her get accustomed to the feel of him, Max found she wanted to grind back against him.

  She needed more; Max wriggled experimentally and apparently that was all Rafe had been waiting for because he withdrew and thrust back inside quickly, making her pant with need.

  His first few thrusts were careful, but as she rocked back against him, he began to take her hard. Rafe reached around her, caught her throbbing little clit between his thumb and forefinger, and milked it firmly as he pounded into her ass.

  Max’s first orgasm came on so fast, she bucked uncontrollably beneath him on the bed as everything inside her tightened and released hard but still he rode her.

  “That’s it, baby, you feel so good around my cock. So tight and hot; come for me again.”

  Using his other hand, he thrust three fingers deep inside her empty core and began to work them in and out in tandem with his cock as his other hand continued to work her clit relentlessly.

  She began to wail as the pain in her punished bottom, the burn from the ginger, her throbbing clit, and the double penetration washed her in an overload sensation. Pain became pleasure and pleasure became need. “Please! Rafe, please… harder… faster… oooh!”

  Soon all she could do was scream her pleasure as she came again and again with no respite until finally he shouted his own release into the back of her neck and they both collapsed to the mattress.

  Max gave a small cry of pain when he withdrew from her well-used ass, but stayed where she was face down on the bed, too sated and exhausted from the punishment and pleasure to move.

  She heard him cleaning up in the bathroom and then he was back cleaning her up with a warm washcloth before scooping her in his arms and laying her down in the middle of the bed.

  Max sighed with contentment when he climbed in behind her and curved his body protectively around hers as he pulled the covers over them.

  Rafe placed a gentle kiss on the tip of her ear and whispered, “Who do you belong to?”

  “You, Rafe, you, always you,” she said softly as she stroked the arm wrapped around her middle.

  “Who d
o I belong to?” he asked.

  Max felt a smile bloom across her face as the reality of the lesson came through and the knowledge filled her with peace. “You belong to me.”

  “That’s right, baby. We belong to each other, forever and always. I might piss you off from time to time and you will definitely piss me off, but that will never change. I’m not going anywhere and I don’t plan to ever let you go anywhere either. Understood?”



  Max smiled as they entered the reception hall. The wedding had been everything she’d ever dreamed of, and Rafe was the perfect groom.

  In the past six months she’d gained back all the weight she’d lost while Rafe was gone, along with the curves he so adored. She was healthy and they were happy.

  The only bad part of the wedding was the night before when he’d introduced her to his best man at the rehearsal. To say she was shocked to see Javier, the escort she’d hired six months ago, was an understatement. Finding out he was actually a member of Rafe’s black ops team and that she’d been under surveillance the entire time he’d been in the Middle East was another shock.

  She’d torn into both men with gusto. Max didn’t care if it was protocol or not—Rafe could have told her she was being watched! The fact that Javier, aka Jake Robulard, had posed as her hired escort didn’t exactly endear the man to her either.

  Jake had explained he’d only been looking after Rafe and making sure he and his lady were okay. But that hadn’t helped—it had sent Max straight over the edge.

  Max told both Rafe and Jake in no uncertain terms that if she wanted to hire an escort, then she would do so without any further interference from either of them.

  Rafe had interfered immediately, excusing them from the bridal party and taking her into a back office of the church, where he’d turned her over his knee and spanked her soundly before spinning her around and kissing her senseless. “No more escorts, ever!”

  Max had smiled up at her Neanderthal, her backside burning. “Yes, sir,” she whispered before pulling his mouth back down to hers.